Streetlight Ciclo


Urban street lamp with shaft manufactured from 160×80 mm, 3 mm thick rectangular profiles and crowned with a circular lamp head.

The Ciclo street lamp I avaible in 4,7 m and 8 m high versions.

The lamp head is equipped with a 70 W metal halide lamp or a group of 50 W leds in the case of the 4,7 m street lamp and 150 W in the case of the 8 m street lamp.

There is also a wall mounted version.

They are spplied with all the accessories required to bring them into operation

Streetlight Ciclo

Technical specifications


  • 4,7 m Ciclo street lamp 92 Kilos
  • 8 m Ciclo street lamp 130 Kilos


  • Mild steel shaft and plating.


  • Bichromate and powder painted.
  • Grey shaft and lamp hed.
  • Tapa cabeza color negro.

Streetlight Ciclo

Luminaria halogenuros metálicos 75 W.

La luminaria se soterrará 200 mm y se anclará a placa mediante 4 pernos de anclaje que cumplan con los requisitos de la norma EN 10025. Se deberánutilizar arandelas conformes a la norma europea EN ISO 7093 (DIN 9021) o a la norma europea EN ISO 7091 (DIN 126) entre las tuercas y la placa de anclaje.

(Pernos y arandelas no suministrados por Urbes 21).

Streetlight Ciclo
Streetlight Ciclo

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Urbes 21 urban & street furniture

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